pancreatic diabetes, diseases of digestive apparatus (gastritis, constipations, intestinal colic, enterocolitis, rectal prolapse, hemorrhoids), hepatitis, jaundice, kidney and urinary bladder diseases, heart-diseases, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, tuberculosis, cough, hemoptysis, rhinitis, maxillary sinusitis, nasal polyps, nosebleeds, angina, dermatoses (eczema, psoriasis, erysipelas, warts), alopecia, rickets, arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, spurs, injuries (contusions, dislocation), varix dilatation, bone and joint diseases (fractures, ligamentous laxity), wounds, ulcers and other diseases.
Scientific medicine applies only white clay dust.
We can talk about useful properties of clay for a long time. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the following healing property: clay is an excellent absorbing agent. Thus if you intake a clay, it absorbs toxic and poisonous substances in stomach and small bowel, i.e., takes microbe secretory poisons away, neutralizes them and gets out from the organism.
Wealth of mineral content and antitoxic action impart universality to the clay. Clay surpasses even vegetables and fruit in no lack of mineral components. Besides, its excellent absorbing properties make clay get pathogenic substances out from the human organism, improving energy exchange. Clay also has a strong influence on pathogenic cells of external part of the human body, bringing them into a healthy state, and "adjusting" them to healthy wave length.
Regular metabolism, in its turn, makes the organism healthy.
A mechanism of clay health-giving property is the following: static wave (8 m) coincide with the wave of healthy cells of the organism. That's why, clay makes diseased cells vibrate as healthy cells, and, thus, helps the organism to get rid of detrimental structures, preventing the organism from normal functioning. All these facts characterize clay as universal and innocuous remedy used to treat for different diseases of the human organism.
Clay has a lot of health-giving properties, thus, it can literally devour diseases under special conditions of its application. So clay has achieved the status of treasure, because there is nothing valuable than health.